The increase of people and company's ability in all aspects shall raise the business risk as well. Therefore, a special analysis is necessary to measure the risk in order to de ne and further identify own risk and risk to be transferred to the third party.
On practical level, the risk transfer from the Insured, in this case is Individual or Company to Insurance Company often face various barriers such as technical aspects and administrative aspects which result in cost, time and resources ineficiency.
PT Fistlight Indonesia is established as insurance brokers company aiming as Mediator (Insurance Broker) between Insurance Company and the insured in addressing such barriers. PT Fistlight Indonesia Insurance Brokers & Consultants was established in 17 June 2004, based on Notary Deed No. 19 dated 7 June 2004 and Company's Article of Association as Insurance Brokers and Insurance Consultants and Insurance Agency as well.
Roles & Functions of Insurance Broker
By understanding and comprehending insurance market, we as the insurance broker are able to utilize the whole insurance company's strength in the most effective manner.
At the early stage, we analyze the risks faced by the client, upon doing so we shall identify the insurance needs suitable with such risks. At the last stage we shall place the effective insurance coverage in the selected insurance company.
Our functions and roles for the client as Consultant are not limited to insurance closing, but we also ensure that all claim submissions are handled properly. This includes various services in all insurance aspects needed by the client such as: administration handling, risk management, evaluation to condition of contract related to the insurance and budgeting control (for insurance purpose).
Local Clients
Overseas Clients
Hours Of Support
Hard Workers
Our Location
Legalitas Perusahaan
Minister of Finance Decree :
No. KEP-4 73/KM .5/2004
Minister of Justice Decree :
No. C-17103 HT.0l.01.TH.2004
Deed of Establishment :
Notary Deed of Linda Ibrahim SH., No. 19 dated 7 June 2004
Membership :
Member of the Association of Indonesian Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers (APPARINDO)
No. 137-2006/APPARINDO
Insurance Brokers & Consultants
Menara Sentraya 17th floor, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1A, Jakarta 12160
Telp: 021 2751.3192 (hunting)
Fax: 021 2751.3193